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Rugby Coaching Q & A
Use our expert plans or build your own using our library of over 1100+ drills, and easy-to-use tools.
Does anyone have a really good drill to encourage backs to hold their steepness when attacking - my team of dreams are Under 11's
To be honest, i'd just get them doing simple 2v1, 3v2 & 4v3 practices, but condition it by setting the cones where you want the 1st, 2nd & 3rd support runner going round to simulate different depths of support. BUT, i'd start setting up a model of defence, especially with the 3v2 & 4v3, where they have to deal with a deep cover defender. With this, its not always best to run a steep attack line as you'd want the ball shipped wide flatly so the deep cover can be help on a 2v1.
I'd say its best to run through a flatter attack as well as a deep start. The trick is to get them used to scanning whats in front of them and picking up what the defence is doing, then attacking what they see, the best way that they can.
ALWAYS condition the defence first and let the attack react.
I use variations of this simple practise to improve alignment in attack.
I hope it helps - there are other good drills in our "Drills" section under "Handling!"
Round and Realign
Don't feel that you have to focus on all of the following coaching points, you may have your own. Select the points that most closely match your overall training and session goals.
Hi Justin, Try doing a 2 v 1 or 3 v 1 with the attacking players starting in one line behind each other. This is a good way to show them the advantage of starting from deep, and hitting the angle at speed. It is also quite easy to coach the need for effective communication. "How many eyes does he (the ball carrier) have in the back of his head? How is he going to know where you are?" The nice thing about starting with 3 v 1 is that the ball carrier has the opportunity to choose and execute the pass he thinks is the better one. It is extendable too. Australia once scored a (fantastic) try against New Zealand by putting all their backs in one line behind the scrum - except one decoy miles away on the far touch line. NZ were totally confused, didn't know how to defend..... I tried it with my team in Japan, and it worked a couple of times - until people saw it once. Once you have seen it, it's not that hard to defend, but if your Under 11's could score a try ONCE from this - or a move like it - that would keep them deep forever!
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